controlled production cycle

Iberian pig

The Iberian pig is a native breed of the Iberian Peninsula, whose characteristics distinguish it morphologically from any other porcine species.

Due to a genetic issue, it has the power to store fat in its muscle tissue, key to the unmistakable flavor and texture of Iberian products..

The meadows of holm oaks and cork oaks that populate the west and southwest of Spain, make up the natural habitat of the Iberian pig.

Through its sinuous orography runs this pig breed that constitutes a true genetic heritage treasure of Spain.

The Iberian pig feeds on acorns and pastures in full freedom, growing in perfect ecological balance with its environment.


Iberian pig regulations

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment published the «BOE» núm. 10, de 11 de enero de 2014 "BOE" no. 10, of January 11, 2014 with Reference: BOE-A-2014-318 approving the quality standard for Iberian meat,ham ,, la shoulder y la caña de lomo ibérico. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment published the «BOE» núm. 10, de 11 de enero de 2014 "BOE" no. 10, of January 11, 2014 with Reference: BOE-A-2014-318 approving the quality standard for Iberian meat,ham,shoulder and loin. The last modification of the document has been made on June 11, 2016.

This quality standard simplifies the denominations to only three: Bellota, Cebo de Campo y Ceboand defines the racial purity of the animal, marking 100% for the acorn-fed Iberian pig,requiring the identification of the percentage, through labeling.

The purpose of this royal decree s to establish the quality characteristics that must be met by the products from the cutting of the Iberian pig carcass, which are made or marketed fresh, as well as the Iberian ham, shoulder, and loin shank made or marketed.In Spain, to be able to use the sales denominations established in this standard, without prejudice to compliance with the general regulations that apply to them.

The meadow


Our pigs are raised in Extremadura y Andalucía mainly, rich in holm oaks, cork oaks and herbs that constitute the ideal habitat for fattening the animal.

At Juan Manuel we carry out an initial selection of the pastures to obtain the best raw material,the fundamental basis for making Iberian products. Iberian products..

"La Montanera" is the feeding regime that takes place in the autumn months until mid-winter depending on each vintage.

In one of the most important stages in the life of the Iberian pig, since the use of acorns and pastures will significantly mark its final characteristics.

Our animals live in freedom in an approximate space of two hectares each to space out during the montanera.​

Organizing the montanera requires dedication and knowledge of the pasture. The trees are an important element but not the only one, since all the vegetables that are found in the pasture, such as: holm oaks, cork oaks and gall oaks, are also used as food.